The Maldon Society Committee manages the Society, ensuring that it meets the requirements set out in our Constitution.
A copy of the Constitution can be downloaded here
The committee meets once a month to consider issues such our talks programme, oral history work and other matters in line with our mission statement shown on our Home Page.
The members and their roles are shown below.
Chairman & Archives Manager
Vice-Chair & Membership Secretary Treasurer
Minute Secretary
Secretary & Heritage Coordinator
Talks Coordinator
Planning Secretary
Peter Holmes
Jane Senior
Lindsey Wright
Janet Watson
Dorreen Linton
John Rogers
David Fell
Data Protection
The Society seeks to comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Data Protection Acts. You can download our Data Protection Policy here.
Any enquiries about data matters should be addressed to the Secretary by emailing maldonsociety@aol.com
The Maldon Society’s Equal Opportunities Policy
We, The Maldon Society, fully accept and welcome that society consists of many diverse groups and individuals and this diversity is an asset to the community. We recognise that we have a moral and legal responsibility to promote equal opportunities and we will pursue equality in all of our work.
We are an Equal Opportunities Organisation and committed to the development of policies to provide for equality of opportunity in all aspects of our activities. We will work to ensure that we promote awareness of the rights and needs of people from all minority groups, and wherever possible give access to our operations.
In addition, anyone connected to our organisation, including all members, any guests, or volunteers who considers that they are suffering from unequal treatment on any grounds may use this policy to bring it to The Maldon Society Committee’s attention for action.
Our Code of Conduct:
• Everyone will be treated with dignity and respect regardless of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion or age and no one will be harassed, abused, excluded or intimidated on these grounds
• We will minimise the risk of abuse by being sensitive to cultural, gender and individual needs in all our activities.
• People’s feelings will be valued and respected. Language or humour that people find offensive will not be used, e.g. sexist or racist jokes or terminology that is deemed derogatory.
• As far as is possible we will encourage participation by everyone in all our activities, regardless of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion or age.
• As far as is possible we will continue to provide activities that allow inclusiveness for all.
• All members, guests and volunteers will have access to this document via the Society’s website for all to view.
Download a copy of the policy here
AGM 2024
We attach various AGM papers
AGM 2023
We attach various AGM papers:
Please reply with any feedback to maldonsociety@aol.com
AGM 2022
We attach various AGM papers:
Committee summary/Chair's report
Constitution (revised version)